Second Life’s Cutest Cat Breedable Ever!

Stray Cats Breedable

STRAY CATS BREEDABLE MANUAL         - Current Cat Version 1.44a (or b)

Click on a Cat.  In its Kitten/shell form it is considered 'unwakened'.   In this form, it does not eat or do anything.  It is not yet 'live'.  

To Bring it to life - Click the kitten and you will get a blue menu in the top right corner of your screen.   Click "Wake Me Up", then "yes" to confirm.


Now that your cat is alive, the menu will be a little different.

About all the Menu buttons:


This option will give you the Stray Cats HUD (current version 1.44).

What can you do with the hud?  The hud is a handy tool which gives you the abilities to affect every cat that you have out on your land at once.

There are setting for their home position, their range, movement off , movement on, sound off, sound on, and also the hovering stats can be changed to different settings, like 'none' or 'need based', 'stats' or 'mini stats'or 'traits', or 'config' and you can tp home all cats at once with the hud as well.

See the page on our Multi-Cat HUD and Webtools


This is the option to TP home the cat you clicked on to get the menu up.


This option is for if you do not want your cats being in animation playing mode, with this option you can simply put your cat in a pose you like and staying in that pose. (handy for auctions or to just display your cats in your house or in your store)

Once you clicked the pose options those are the poses to choose from

”Curious”, ”Stretch”, ”Groom”, ”Sit”, ”Lounge”, ”On Back”, ”Stand”, ”Play”, ”Sleep”.


Once you clicked the hovertext option you can choose between

               ‘NONE’  (which means no hover text at all)

               ‘STATS’  (which means it will show all stats) -

    - Stats shown above the cats are as follows:

    1st line - Name or description of cat

    2nd line - Version of cat (current version is 1.44, 1.44a or 1.44b)

    3rd line - Owner of cat -    4th line - Age of Cat in days

    5th line - Number of breeding cycles remaining.   There are a total of 15.

    6th line - Food - How full your cat is

    7th line - Stamina (the amount of energy they have left) Below 15% they will need to sleep.

    8th line - Happiness (from milk)

    9th line - Love/Desire, Pregnancy or cooldown from birthing


               ‘MINI STATS’  (which shows only the name of the cat and gender and hungry and stamina and happiness and desire)

               ‘NEED BASED’ (which shows only stamina and desire)

               ‘CONFIG’ (which shows the home the cat is set to and range and and animations on/off movement on/off sounds on/off and if the cat is partnered it will show it’s                                  partners name)

               ‘TRAITS’ (which shows the traits of the cat, pelt name and color, eyes and eye shape and pupil and ears and tail and shape and body)



When you click the traits option from the menu the traits of the cat will be posted to you in local chat.


In the market menu you will find the option to list your cat or kitten on our Web Tools Online Market listings.  People can search in there for specific cats with specific desired traits.  

Once you have place your cat or kitten out somewhere (example a sales stand or shop), click Market, and click “Market On”.  

That cat will go into the online market listings with the SLURL (SL location) of where it is.  People can then teleport right to it.

If you decide to pick it up (maybe you are moving locations), then click “Market Off”.  It will be removed from the market listings.

This would be the courteous thing to do if the cats are no longer available for purchase at that location.   When you are set up somewhere else, simply click “Market On” once more :)


The settings option is for renaming your cats and setting their home position plus range and to turn sounds on/off and move on/off and animations on/off as well the options for Acc. 1 on and Acc 2 which put on or off any accessories you have gotten for your cat, such as a collar or a hat.  'Birth off' or on does not mean you turn your cat into a not breeding pet.  It simply stops or starts messages from displaying.   

                 ‘RENAME’  - One you clicked rename you will get another window pop up in the right corner of your screen, it will give you a empty window and all you have to do is write the name you want to give the cat in that window and click Submit, or if you don’t want to change the name simply click ignore to close it.

                 ‘SET HOME’ - Once you clicked set home it will set the home of the cat at the point the cat is standing the moment you click set home.

                 ‘SET RANGE’ - When you clicked ‘set range’ an empty window will pop up in the right corner of your screen and all you have to do is write the number you want to set the cat his/her range from 5 to 50 (these are meters), and ‘Submit’.  The cat's range is now set.  If you have movement on, it will not roam beyond this limit from it's original home position.  Range affects the distance it will move, the area for which it will scan and find it’s mate, and also food/milk bowls.  By default, the range on the cats is 15m.   So if you wish to keep cats separated in groups, where they will not crossbreed, you would need to set them 30m apart.

                 ‘AUTO-BREED OFF/ON’ - This option can be turned on or off as you wish.  If you want to turn off breeding altogether, turn auto-breed off.  Even if your cats have mates specified, they will NOT mate.    If no partner is specified in the ‘Mating’ section, your cats will breed with the first available mate.   With NO mate specified (will say Mate - None, under Mating section), then  AUTO BREED is just that - all females when at 100% heat, will mate with any available male at 100% heat.

                 ‘BIRTH OFF/ON’ - This option can be turned on or off as you wish, this option does not mean you turn the cat to a non breeding cat.  This simply will turn off or on the messages inworld that you will receive regarding mating or having a kitten.

                 ‘SOUND ON/OFF’ - This option allows you to turn your cats sounds completely off, so you will no longer hear their purring or meowing.

                 ‘MOVE ON.OFF’ - Movement can be turned on or off on the cats.  Movement means the cat will roam around freely from home set point to the range it is set to, once if you turn it off, it will not move from its position.

                 ‘ANIM ON/OFF’ - Anim stands for animations.  These can be turned on or off, meaning cat will show its animations either when standing still or walking around, like sitting or walking or laying down or licking himself clean etc.  If turned off, they will just stand still and do nothing.

                 ‘ACC.1 ON/OFF ‘ - Acc stands for Accessory, option Acc.1 is to add a hat, cap or any head attachment to the cat.

                 ‘ACC.2 ON/OFF’ -Acc stands for Accessory, option Acc.2 is to add a collar or any neck attachment to your cat.


When you click the parents option in the menu, the parents of the cat will be both posted in local chat for you to see.

The parents option is handy for breeders to keep track of the bloodline of the cat from their parental information.  Traits are passed by parents predominately, but there are also random traits.  


When you decide you no longer need or want a certain cat, or it has finished breeding, you may choose to 'Destiny' it.  When you click on ‘Destiny’ there is an option to choose, Stray Points.   Stray Points=Destiny Points.  This will award you points which are calculated by a server algorithm at this moment, based on hold old the cat is, how many breedings it has used, it’s traits, etc.

You can always click ‘checkpoints’ in the Destiny submenu to see how many points that cat will give you.  

You can Destiny shells should you decide you will not use them.  To do this you will need to ‘wake up’ first.  

There is a double-check in place,  where you must type 'yes' to continue the destinying of any cat.

Stray Cat Points can be used to purchase consumables (food and milk) and accessory/attachment items for your kitties.

Also certain special cats are available at HQ to purchase only with these points.


On your Webtools dashboard, you will see your total Stray Points you have at the moment.


The mating option is to partner your cat to a specific cat for breeding. Simply click the 'mating' button, then click 'partner'.... available mates of the opposite sex with be highlighted.  You simply choose one by clicking on the chosen mate.


The help option will send you to the stray cats breedables website, open up your local chat and all you have to do is click the link showing there which will send you straight away to our website.  

The Current and Correct website is:   WWW.SLSTRAYCATS.COM

Please look at your convenience as there is a lot of information and pictures on pelts, eyes, ears, etc., and any current information on these cats.


V3 bowls are Required for version v1.44+ Cats.  They will NOT eat from V2.   If you have old bowls from previous years of breeding Strays, you may delete them via their menu.

Each bowl refill places 32.5 units of food in the bowl.  Those 32.5 units are distributed - 30 units remain on the (S)erver, and 2.5 (R)ations go into the bowl.   Rations are the food currently in-world at this time.   Together S+R numbers equal the total amount of food /milk you have.

Each cat eats one unit of food per day.  This applies to both food and to milk.

Food is necessary for your cats to grow and stay healthy.

Milk is necessary as a mood booster if you wish to breed your kitties.  It is necessary for them to have 'happiness' if they are going to gain heat and breed.

RED text above your cats head is an indicator that they cannot eat their food - either the bowls are out of range, or they are empty.   Please reset the range on the cat to a great distance and if they still are not eating, try temporarily putting movement on.  They will go to their food bowls if within range.

BLACK text above your cats head is an indicator that they have gone too long (4 days+) without food inworld.  At this point you will need a health kit to heal them.   Their text will NOT turn black if you keep them in inventory, however it will go red.  When brought out from inventory they will need to eat immediately.

A word about putting cats into inventory:   Yes, your cats will get hungry in inventory but they will NOT die.  When you take them into inventory they will lose any heat they might have, however, if they are pregnant and you need to put in inventory for a reason, when you take them back out, their pregnancy will continue like normal once they have eaten.

Cats in inventory will also lose stamina over time.  When rezzed out again, their stamina will probably be at 0% if it has been some time in your inventory.  They will sleep until their stamina rises.  When it has reached 15% you can wake them up using their menu.  This will allow them to go eat more quickly.


Once your new kitten reaches 5 days old they will begin to grow/raise their desire/heat for breeding.   It takes approximately 72 hours for their desire/heat to reach 100%.  (Note: The actual time will vary depending on whether certain conditions are met.  For example:  your cat will not gain desire/heat while sleeping or if hungry and unhappy at those times - it will actually take longer than 72 hours).   Just like RL, your cat won’t get ‘in the mood’ if it is tired, sleeping, hungry or unhappy.

If you have mated it to another cat, and they both have reached 100% heat, the breeding will take place within minutes. Immediately after mating, the female will show pregnant and her text will turn pink.  The boy cat will enter into a 24 hour cool-down after mating, and his text will be gray.  After this 24 period, he will begin raising his heat once more.  The pregnant female will show a 73 hour countdown until the birth of her new kitten.  Once she has given birth, she too will enter into a 24 hour cool-down period and then begin her 3-day cycle of raising heat once more, until all 15 breedings are finished.  All 15 cycles take approximately 180 days, at the end of which your cat will automatically become a 'purrmanently yours' kitty.  They will then no longer need any food and can remain in your inventory forever.   

Note:  Pregnancy and cooldown timers are exact, regardless of sleeping, hungry, etc.    During times when we have a Limited Edition (LE) running, you will know you are getting an LE baby immediately as the pregnancy will only be 120 minutes :)

We are working on better interactions, but still, you can hold your kitty now or walk with it attached to you.


Simply right-click  'WEAR' or ‘ADD’ from inventory - (remember to  right-click ‘detach’ to return it to inventory, or to 'drop' when finished and it will remain inworld).   

If the kitty does  not go into the placement you want, like in your arms, or on your shoulder, for example,  you simply (after adding or wearing) right-click and edit the kitty to the place you want it.   After that, the placement will be remembered for the next time you wear that kitty.

Make sure your cat's animations are Off.....then once the kitty is worn, and in your arms, you can click the cat, and on their menu, 'set a pose' - try lounge, for example.


From inventory, right-click on the kitty and ‘ATTACH TO AVATAR CENTER’.  

Its position  will vary depending on your avatar’s size, height, etc., so right-click, edit and move the cat to the ground wherever you would like it.  

DONE!  It will walk with you, with the walking animation, sit when you stop, TP with you all around the SL Universe :)   

Please remember, if you are attaching a kitty that is not a “Purrmanently Yours” yet, they will require food after a short time.  So this attaching is best done with a Purrma-cat.


Should you ever have an  issue with your cats, please contact Nicolyti Resident inworld and she will assist you.